Tuesday 26 February 2013

Using the Magnetic Lasso Tool

I have used the magnetic lasso tool throughout my magazine especially on the contents page for the clothes pictures.

This is a before picture of the jumper with the glasses and moustache. I wanted to cut the background away from the picture as the background isn't very interesting. The magnetic lasso tool can be used for this and can take away the background of the picture.

This is a print screen of me performing the magnetic lasso tool at the beginning.

This is a print screen of the finished version of the picture. After I finished using the magnetic lasso tool and used a layer via cut tool. I also made sure that when I choose the layer via cut option I also make sure that the cut picture is feathered through 5 pixels.

This is the print screen of the finished version of the picture after the effects of the magnetic lasso tool and the layer via cut. This is the picture that will be being used in my music magazine and on my contents page.

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