Thursday, 28 February 2013

How will I attract my Audience?

In my music magazine pitch I said that I will try to target my audience through the use of "15 Greatest Poses/Dance Moves". These poses were in my original plan going to be performed by a a member of my target audience, but I didn't have a reason why I wanted this to be so.

These different poses were to be performed by someone that is representative of my audience and I have used this to make my audience wish to buy the magazine and also feel connected with the magazine through first seeing this on the left hand side of the magazine as it is clearly aimed at them.

I have also in my contents page included a bigger picture of the girl on the front and explained next to this in a caption that she is a contest winner and this meant that she was able to be on the front cover and on the contents page. This I also believe could inspire other members of the audience to want to apply for these contests to have their chance to be on the front cover of an actual magazine.

This is, I also believe, a way in which my magazine is different from others as it feels inclusive to them as they are getting opportunities to become on of those people.

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