Monday 25 February 2013

The Latest - Magazine Analysis

'The Latest' is not a music magazine, however it does target the same target audience that I am seeking through my pop music magazine 'Lyrical' so in this analysis I will be looking at what they do to target their audience through the front cover, contents page and their double page spread.

This is the front cover of 'the Latest' magazine. It uses a lot of photo's on the front page of the magazine and this attracts their audience as they are making known that they are a magazine targeted at girls who are part of the "Twihard fandom". I can make sure that my selling point is known to my potential customers through the use of the front cover and the different photo's I use. The front cover of this magazine also utilises the use of graphics to highlight to the audience of the different things they are offering them within their magazine. I can use this more on my front cover to make sure that all my offers can be seen by my potential audience.

This is the contents page of 'the Latest' and it looks quite packed of all different stories that will interest their audience members. It includes fun and quizzes such as "is he the one?" and "cringey stories". I can use these ideas in my magazine although link them to pop music. The contents page also sorts it's contents page into different sections to help their audience navigate their way through the magazine to find what they want to look at. The contents page continues it's use of graphics onto the contents page too and this targets their audience as they don't want to scan through different information to find the things that were shown on the front page. I can use this in my contents page as a way to help my audience will know where to go.

This is the double page spread included within this magazine. It makes the readers of the magazine have no doubt that this magazine includes different things from a movie through the use of the graphic at the top of this, I can use a graphic on my double page spread to make sure that my readers are in no doubt after they have read my magazine that it is a pop music magazine. This double page spread also makes sure that it basically uses only pictures and little words as possible, I can use this within my music magazine and try to add more photo's where possible.

The Interview Pages - these are not in a double page spread however the language which is used is almost quite unique and adds to the fact that the audience reading this magazine feel like a community. This is what I will try to emanate throughout my whole magazine.

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