Monday, 25 February 2013

Just POP - Magazine Analysis

This front cover uses minimal text on the front cover of the magazine, due to their target audience which is the same as mine. I can learn from this and apply it to my music magazine and make sure that the writing on the front doesn't detract from the images used. The magazine makes use of the bottom and the top line of the magazine, I may think of using this on my front cover as it is a general convention of Pop music magazines. The price of the magazine is shown in a graphic and also makes it stand out from the page, I can use this for my magazine. I notice that all the different features noted on the front cover are each made clear through being put into a graphic, I can learn from this and apply it to my magazine so as to make the features clear and stand out to my prospective audience.

This magazine utilises all of the space on the page which makes it seem quite packed with information. This is a good trait to the magazine and would make the audience eager to read it. The contents page is actually quite filled with pictures which is yet again aimed at their audience as this audience don't really wish to read much. This can help me develop my contents page as it doesn't use that many images and doesn't really look exciting and appealing especially for my target audience. The actual contents is put into different categories and is easy for readers of the magazine to use and help them find the different features. There is a lot of different graphics and colours used on this contents page to make it appealing and different, I will try to use this within my contents to make my target audience engaged with the product.

This is the double page spread that is inside Just POP. It uses mainly just two colours blue and yellow, I like this as it doesn't detract from what the artists are saying in the interview and also makes the page seemingly appealing to read. It uses graphics and text boxes for the interview to be held in, this is a feature which I have already used within my double page spread, but maybe I need to use a bit more graphics other than boxes. 

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