Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Things that would be included in my magazine - contents

To attract my audience I decided to use the theory constructed by Blumer and Katz 1974 and Dennis McQuail to help me.

Personal Relation

The interviews in the magazine target this aspect of the theory and especially can be seen through the feature in my double page spread as they had made it to being 'famous' from just loving their music.

The sense of belonging is used throughout the whole of the magazine especially through the message from the editor and

Personal Identity

I have included an element of this through some of the articles that are featured within the music magazine. There are models for behaviour seen through the interviews and also through all of the different pop stars that I have featured.

There is also a sense of personal identity brought into the magazine through the tone and also the way that the editor is talking to them like they are part of a family.

I have also included a feature "fandoms our pop stars belong to" this is a part of my target audiences identity. This is because I was targeting those that like belonging to a type of group and this I feel targets them and would show them that they can still favour that group as their favourite pop star likes this too.

Information - Surveillance

This is appeased through the use of the gossip sections of the magazine and would target my audience as they like to know different and quirky information about their musical stars.

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