Monday, 4 February 2013

Photo Shoot Pictures Part 2

The photo's below were from my second photo shoot. One of these photo's are going to be used for the contents page and included within my "message from the editor" in which it will talk about one of the features for the month "our favourite pop star pets".

I chose the mis-en-scene of the bath because this is what makes my kitten Lily seem sweet and it is one of the places that she loves. This also has a novelty factor for the audience of my magazine as cats are not supposed to like water and it does also add to the cuteness.

This photo is of my kitten in the bath and is a close up. I will be using this picture for my contents page within the "message from the editor". I have chosen this photo as it shows her close up and makes her look cuter with her expression, it also means that it doesn't seem to the audience that the subject is far removed from them.

This photo is of my kitten in the bath and is a long shot. I will not being using this image for my contents page as I believe that it is ineffective as it doesn't show the subject matter to the audience well and seems far removed.

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