Monday, 25 February 2013

Photo Shoot - "Look Like a POP Star"

I decided I need more photos for my contents page so as to aim to my target audience and also make sure that all the writing on the contents page doesn't really seem a lot. Therefore I have decided to take some more photos and put them under the feature of "look like a POP star". I have gained this idea from the analysis of other magazines contents pages.

This is an image of a Hara Juku perfume bottle, I have chosen this perfume bottle as it is a unique perfume and also is more interesting to look at than other perfume bottles. I have also chosen the brand of Hara Juku as it is a very popular brand to have and many people collect the bottles, it also does link with my target audience as is seemingly popular and many girls will know what this is. I have chosen to use this image in my contents page because of the reasons stated above, however I will be cutting the background out of this image with the magnetic lasso tool as I feel that the background does detract from the actual image.

This is an image of some shorts from New Look. New Look is a big brand of clothes and these clothes are popular with my target audience. I have also decided to use an image of shorts as they are quite stylish, but also I am anticipating the weather to become warmer when the magazine will actually become published (April). I have chosen to use this image in my contents page because of the reasons that I have stated above,  I will be cropping out the background of this image with the magnetic lasso tool as I think that the background will clash with the colours I am using within the magazine.
This is an image of a jumper that has glasses and a moustache it is from New Look. This clothing brand is very popular with my target audience and the pattern on the front is used and referenced very often within popular culture recently. I have chosen to use this image within my contents page because of the reasons above and I will, like the other photos, be cropping out the background from the image with the magnetic lasso tool as the background is of a carpet and isn't the right colour for my magazine.

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