Friday 25 January 2013

The Secrets of Magazine - Cover Design

Key ingredients to use on a front cover

  • The way that the cover looks is dictated by the publishing and editorial strategy that is designed to put across.
  • The cover is the most important.
  • Consumer magazine editors worry more about the cover more than any other part. In the UK 90% of sales are in newsagents.
  • No absolute rules.
  • Generally photographs work better than illustration. It depends what genre. Models will be chosen younger that intended audience, however for teen magazines models are older.
  • Note that faces are not centered on the nose, but instead the eyes. People prefer images of others with wide open pupils which shows attraction.
  • Avoid white, black and green. Red stands out, but can be over used. Contrast between colours may be more important.
  • Numbers are used to suggest there is a lot in the magazine. The bigger the better, with many editors prefering figures such as 162 to rounded numbers such as 100.

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