Friday 18 January 2013

Pictures for School Magazine - Part 2

This image is a good two shot and shows two people laughing. I will be using this image on the front page of my school magazine as it shows that the sixth form is a fun place to be.

This image will not be used in my school magazine as there is a person in the background of the picture covering her face from the camera.
I will be using this image in my contents page for my school magazine. This is because it shows an clear expression and also is a different shot from others that I have taken.
On Friday 18th I took photo's for my school magazine. I have used the my design and have taken pictures according to this. However, all these photo's will not be used within my magazine as some are blurry or are poorly lit. I have learnt that I need to make sure to take quite a few photo's so that if some are poor quality I will be able to replace them with one better.

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