Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Dear Moderator,

My name is Isobel Moss and my candidate number is 9112.

I have completed my music magazine comprising a front cover, contents page and a double page spread which are at the top of my blog, I have also included my preliminary task within this blog and have completed the evaluation of my magazine and the whole process on prezi and there is a link to this.

Thank you for taking yor time to assess my work.

My Evaluation


This is a link to the evaluation of my music magazine which is on prezi.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Lyrical Music Magazine: Final Draft

This is the final draft of the front cover from my music magazine and has been saved as a JPEG file from Photoshop.

This is an image of the final draft of my contents page from my music magazine and has been saved as a JPEG file from Photoshop.

This is an image of the final draft of my double page spread from my music magazine Lyrical. This was saved as a JPEG file from Photoshop.

Use of the Musical Notes

I saw that a lot of different magazines uses graphics especially in Just POP where they use the splatter graphic throughout their magazine.

I wanted to emulate this in mine by using musical notes. This re-enforces that the magazine is a pop music magazine and also also links to my auidence.

I have made this graphic be known to my audience using it on the front cover this sets it up to be used throughout my magazine although sparingly.

Proof Reading?

It is vital that in all my different elements of my magazine they are proof read for any gramatical and spelling errors.

There isn't a way to do this on photoshop, but I can use Microsoft Word to help me with this.

Double Page Spread

After Spell Check
Contents Page

Contents Page After Spell Check
Front Cover

Front Cover After Spell Check

I have learnt from the proof reading that in the future if I was performing this process again I would make sure that I wrote each of the different items in a separate word documents spell checking and grammar checking whilst writing it and then copy and paste this work onto Photo shop.

Double Page Spread - Neatening

There was one thing that I found in my DPS particularly annoying. I had forgotten to use the feathering tool on the picture of "Roan" included in my double page spread. This I felt seemed inconsistent with all of the other image of "Austen" that I had used within my double page spread and was also feathered. Also as the picture had no feathering I felt that it seemed a bit raggedy around the edges.
To make sure that this was consistent with other images within the magazine, I decided that I would cut the picture again using the magnetic lasso tool again, but then make sure that I used the feathering afterwards and this was the result:


Thursday, 28 February 2013

Working on PhotoShop

This is an image of me working on the front cover of my magazine on Photo shop. This shows that I am the one using this software.